How to perk up a picture with fancy lighting

When I started my career, most people worked with their hands doing something tangible,usually making or mending something. This was often quite photogenic and this quite easy to create a pleasing picture. Nearly 40 years on and no one does that anymore. Although I try to avoid pictures of people in front of computer sometimes I'm forced to. So today I thought I'd share some ideas to make them a little more interesting.

This was a new university cyber security course for a prospectus. So I used the projector that's often found in classrooms and projected some computery matrix type photos onto the students. Another trick is to use the light of a screen to illuminate the user.

I’ve also used coloured gels on flash's to perk up a dull setting, for instance a bit of blue light on the background can all of the sudden make things look very high tech.


The coloured gels I use on my flashes can also have a wider range of results. Using this effect can enhance and add atmosphere to any shot.