Here's a picture I took for a corporate brochure that the University of Gloucestershire is producing. Joe was a great model and quite happy to stand still for 5 minutes whilst I messed about setting up 3 lights for this shot. It was mid afternoon and very bright, so I had to use a lot of flash power from the speedlites to overpower the daylight and make the sky look a bit moody. I also put a yellow gel on the back light to warm it up a bit. The client was very happy, if I get to see the brochure I'll pop a copy up on here.
University of Gloucestershire Brochure
Here's a picture I took for a corporate brochure that the University of Gloucestershire is producing. Joe was a great model and quite happy to stand still for 5 minutes whilst I messed about setting up 3 lights for this shot. It was mid afternoon and very bright, so I had to use a lot of flash power from the speedlites to overpower the daylight and make the sky look a bit moody. I also put a yellow gel on the back light to warm it up a bit. The client was very happy, if I get to see the brochure I'll pop a copy up on here.